A tragic accident in Karnataka’s Uttara Kannada district early Wednesday, January 22, resulted in the deaths of at least 10 people and left 15 others injured. The incident took place near Yellapur on National Highway 63, between Arebail and Gullapura. According to Karwar Superintendent of Police Narayana M, the victims travelled in a truck from Savanur to Kumta market to sell vegetables. The truck, also carrying fruits, was transporting more than 30 people when it overturned.
The accident took place at around 5:30 a.m. The truck driver reportedly lost control while attempting to give way to another vehicle. The vehicle veered to the extreme left side of the road and plunged approximately 50 meters into a valley.
Emergency response teams rushed to the site to carry out rescue operations. While eight deaths were confirmed initially, the toll has now risen to 10, with several of the injured being treated at nearby hospitals.
Vegetable Vendors Among Victims as Truck Overturns Near Kumta
The truck had departed from Savanur and was heading toward the Kumta market via Yellapura. Most of the victims were vegetable vendors travelling to the market to sell their produce.
A case has been registered at the Yellapur police station, and investigations are underway to ascertain the exact cause of the accident. Rescue teams are working tirelessly to ensure all injured individuals receive timely medical attention.
This devastating accident highlights the importance of road safety and the risks associated with overloaded vehicles, especially on highways. The authorities are also inspecting the condition of the truck and road infrastructure as part of the ongoing investigation.