• Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

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    • PM Modi Meets Brunei Sultan Today At Luxury Palace

    PM Modi Meets Brunei Sultan Today At Luxury Palace

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi is undertaking a landmark state visit to Brunei, making it the first time an Indian prime minister has visited the Southeast Asian country. Following his time…

    Haryana: Student Mistaken For Cow Smuggler, Chased For 30 Km, Shot Dead

    A Class 12 student in Faridabad, Haryana, was allegedly pursued in a car and killed by cow vigilantes who mistakenly believed he was a cattle smuggler. The police have arrested…

    Maharashtra govt hikes VIP car number plate fees

    The Eknath Shinde government in Maharashtra has raised the fees for “choice numbers,” also known as VIP numbers, for new vehicles. As a result, the highly sought-after ‘0001’ number for…

    Helicopter Crashes in Kedarnath During Airlift by MI-17 Chopper

    A malfunctioning helicopter being airlifted from Kedarnath to Gauchar in Uttarakhand by an MI-17 chopper accidentally plummeted from mid-air this morning after the towing rope snapped. The helicopter, which was…

    Consultant Responsible for Shivaji Statue Collapse in Maharashtra’s Sindhudurg Arrested

    A consultant responsible for the structural design of the Chhatrapati Shivaji statue in Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, which recently collapsed, has been arrested. The arrest follows demands from Opposition leaders for a…

    Bengaluru Woman Wakes Up to Horrifying Scene, Discovers Friend Dead Beside Her

    In Francis Ford Coppola’s film ‘The Godfather II’, Senator Patrick Geary wakes up in a panic to find a woman’s lifeless, bloody body beside him. Now picture a real-life situation…

    Kolhapur to Establish Maharashtra’s First Cluster University

    The Maharashtra Cabinet has approved the establishment of the state’s first cluster university in Kolhapur as part of the government’s initiative to create smaller institutions from public universities. The institute,…

    Google ने YouTube यूजर्स को दिया बड़ा झटका! प्रीमियम प्लान्स किए महंगे

    Google ने YouTube यूजर्स को दिया बड़ा झटका! प्रीमियम प्लान्स किए महंगे ने भारत में YouTube Premium यूज़र्स को बड़ा झटका दिया है। कंपनी ने प्रीमियम प्लान्स की कीमतों में…

    दिल्ली से लेकर केरल तक बारिश के आसार, IMD ने जारी किया अलर्ट

    देशभर में मानसून सक्रिय है और दिल्ली-NCR, उत्तर प्रदेश, राजस्थान, ओडिशा, छत्तीसगढ़ के साथ-साथ गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र, गोवा समेत कई अन्य राज्यों में जोरदार बारिश हो रही है. मौसम विभाग ने…

    लद्दाख में 5 नए जिले बनाने का फैसला, गृह मंत्री अमित शाह ने दी जानकारी

    केंद्र सरकार ने लद्दाख में पांच नए जिलों के गठन की घोषणा की है, जिनके नाम जांस्कर, द्रास, शाम, नुब्रा और चांगथांग होंगे। प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने इस फैसले के बाद…