• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025
    mother dairy milk

    On Monday, Mother Dairy announced a price increase of Rs 2 per litre for milk in the Delhi-NCR market, attributing this to a rise in input costs over the past 15 months. The new prices, affecting all milk variants, will take effect from Monday (June 3) in Delhi-NCR and other markets where Mother Dairy operates.

    On Sunday, Amul announced an increase in rates.

    Increases in milk prices by these two leading milk suppliers come just after the completion of the voting process of the Lok Sabha elections.

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    Mother Dairy Announces Milk Price Hike Effective June 3, 2024

    In a statement, Mother Dairy said it is “increasing its liquid milk prices by Rs 2 per litre across all operating markets from June 03, 2024 onwards.”

    The increase in consumer price is mainly to compensate the producers for increased production costs, which have been on the rise for over one year, it said.

    In Delhi-NCR, Mother Dairy full cream milk will be available now at Rs 68 per litre, while toned and double-toned milk at Rs 56 and Rs 50 per litre, respectively.

    Buffalo and cow milk prices have been increased to Rs 72 and Rs 58 per litre respectively.

    Token milk (bulk vended milk) will be sold at Rs 54 per litre.

    Mother Dairy, which currently sells 35 lakh litre per day of fresh milk in Delhi-NCR, said it had last revised its liquid milk prices in February 2023.

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