• Fri. Mar 21st, 2025
    mamata banerjee

    The West Bengal Assembly on Wednesday passed a bill permitting women to work in bars. The West Bengal Finance Bill, 2025, was introduced in the assembly by Minister of State Chandrima Bhattacharya. One of the Bill’s main objectives is to amend the Bengal Excise Act, 1909. It seeks to remove the restriction on employing women in ON-category liquor shops. This prohibition is considered discriminatory. The amendment supports the government’s stance on gender equality. It also aims to create equal employment opportunities for women in the state.

    In West Bengal, liquor stores are categorized into ‘Of’ and ‘On’ shops. ‘Of’ shops are retail liquor outlets that sell alcohol for off-premises consumption, whereas ‘On’ shops allow customers to consume alcohol on-site, such as in bars, restaurants, and clubs. The government considers the ban on employing women in ON-category liquor shops outdated and restrictive. By removing this restriction, the Bill allows more women to join the hospitality and beverage industry. It ensures that gender-based barriers do not limit employment opportunities.

    West Bengal Assembly Passes Bill Allowing Women to Work in Bars

    During the discussion on the Bill, Chandrima Bhattacharya reiterated that the state government strongly opposes any form of discrimination between men and women. She emphasized that this amendment is a step toward progressive labor policies that uphold the principles of equality and fairness.By allowing women to work in bars and ON-category liquor shops, the government promotes gender inclusivity. This ensures women receive the same employment opportunities as men.

    Beyond addressing job discrimination, the Bill also regulates raw material supply for liquor production. It grants the state government authority to monitor and control essential ingredients like jaggery. Jaggery is often used in brewing illicit liquor. This measure aims to curb illegal alcohol production and sales, which pose health and economic risks to the state. By strengthening regulations around raw material supply, the government seeks to prevent unauthorized alcohol manufacturing and protect public health.

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    Another significant aspect of the Bill is its amendment to the Bengal Agricultural Income-tax Act, 1944. The tea industry plays a crucial role in West Bengal’s economy, and many smaller tea estates have struggled with rising costs and declining revenues. By offering tax relief, the government aims to support these tea gardens, ensuring their sustainability and the livelihoods of those dependent on the sector.

    Furthermore, the Bill clarifies that implementing these provisions will not have any financial implications. The proposed amendments will not create additional financial burdens on the state government. These include removing employment restrictions on women in bars, regulating raw material supply for liquor production, and providing tax relief for the tea industry. Instead, the reforms aim to promote fair employment practices and boost economic growth. They will also enhance regulatory measures without requiring extra government expenditure.

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