• Mon. Dec 23rd, 2024

    anil ambani

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    • Jio apologized to the customers, after 8 hours the problem of Jio’s network was resolved, the service was stopped at 9 am;

    Jio apologized to the customers, after 8 hours the problem of Jio’s network was resolved, the service was stopped at 9 am;

    Jio customers upset, Several Reliance Jio subscribers on Wednesday complained that they were facing network issues with some saying that their phones showed ‘no service. Others reported that their broadband…

    17 साल पहले 500 रु में बेचा था मोबाइल, अब दिवालिया होगी अंबानी की कंपनी

    एक जमाने में देश भर में 15 पैसे में देश की सबसे सस्ती मोबाइल सेवा को शुरू करने वाली अनिल अंबानी की कंपनी रिलांयस कम्यूनिकेशन ने शुक्रवार को दिवालिया घोषित…