• July 7, 2024


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Celebrating Flat White Coffee: Google Doodle Honors Iconic Beverage

On March 11th, Google paid homage to the beloved flat white coffee with a captivating doodle, highlighting the significance of this iconic beverage in coffee culture. But what exactly is…

Celebrating Democracy: National Voters Day in India

National Voters’ Day is an annual event in India that holds immense significance in celebrating the essence of democracy and promoting electoral participation. Observed on January 25th, this day marks…

Karpoori Thakur: A Pioneer of Social Justice in Bihar

Karpoori Thakur, a name deeply intertwined with social justice and political acumen, significantly influenced Bihar’s socio-economic landscape during his tenure as Chief Minister. Born on January 24, 1924, in Pitaunjhia,…

Thinking Beyond Boundaries: Out-of-the-Box Business Ideas That Defy Convention

In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, visionary individuals have embraced unconventional thinking to create businesses that challenge traditional norms. These out-of-the-box ventures not only captivate the imagination but also underscore…

Update FASTag KYC details before January 31 deadline; Details

The National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) has issued a significant update concerning FASTag, stating that individuals with incomplete Know Your Customer (KYC) details will be subject to deactivation or…

Indian Army Day: Saluting the Guardians of the Nation

Every year on January 15th, India commemorates Army Day to honor the valiant soldiers and the supreme sacrifice they make to protect the nation’s sovereignty and integrity. Established in recognition…

Makar Sankranti: Embracing the Harvest Festival

Makar Sankranti, also known as Maghi, is a joyous and vibrant festival celebrated across India to mark the transition of the sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn (Makar). Observed…

Commemorating Kisan Diwas: Recognizing the Pillars of India’s Growth

Kisan Diwas, or National Farmers’ Day, holds a special place in our calendar, marking the acknowledgment of farmers’ invaluable contributions to India’s economic landscape. Observed annually on December 23rd, this…

Unveiling the Mysteries of Winter Solstice: A Celestial Marvel

As winter descends upon the Northern Hemisphere, a celestial event known as the winter solstice takes center stage, captivating sky gazers and scientists alike. Contrary to common belief, the winter…

Embracing Winter Radiance: A Comprehensive Guide to Your Winter Skin Care Routine

As winter blankets the world in its chilly embrace, our skin often bears the brunt of the cold, dry air. Harsh winds and indoor heating can strip the skin of…