Fresh wildfire erupts near Los Angeles, Forcing more than 50,000 residents to flee
Authorities have placed more than 50,000 residents in Southern California (Los Angeles) under evacuation orders or warnings as a massive and fast-moving wildfire broke out in the rugged mountains north…
Omicron variant, in at least 20 nations, spread earlier than was known
The heavily mutated new coronavirus variant was in Europe several days earlier than previously known, health officials said Tuesday. And the number of countries where it has been found increased…
Delhi pollution : Air quality turns ‘very poor’ as smog engulfs the national capital
The air quality in the national capital on Friday morning (November 12) turned ‘very poor’ with an overall Air Quality Index (AQI) at 360, according to the Ministry of Earth…
Brett Herron , A city unequal along racial lines is neither desirable nor sustainable
GOOD Cape Town mayoral candidate Brett Herron said the election was an opportunity to choose the”future trajectory” for the city. For GOOD Cape Town mayoral candidate Brett Herron, the 1…