मध्य प्रदेश: 8 चीता की मौत के मद्देनजर एमपी ने नए वन अधिकारी की नियुक्ति की
एक आधिकारिक आदेश में कहा गया है कि सोमवार को, मध्य प्रदेश सरकार ने जेएस चौहान को इस पद से हटाकर असीम श्रीवास्तव को प्रधान मुख्य वन संरक्षक (वन्यजीव) नियुक्त…
After Kuno’s death, radio collars set to be taken off 10 Cheetahs
Wildlife authorities are expected to carry out the exercise after it was noted that the male coalition of the Cheetahs brothers from Namibia, Gaurav and Shaurya, also referred to as…
Female cheetah from South Africa dies of mating injuries in Kuno, 3rd death in 3 months
Daksha, a female cheetah acquired from South Africa and kept in Madhya Pradesh’s Kuno National Park, was killed in a fight with other cheetahs. Daksha died in a “violent interaction”…
India welcomes 12 more cheetahs from South Africa
At 10 a.m. Saturday, an Indian Air Force (IAF) plane carrying 12 cheetahs arrived in Madhya Pradesh from South Africa. The cheetahs were flown to Gwalior this morning and will…